Friday, November 1, 2013


After reading an article in The New Yorker magazine about Jack Dorsey, one of the founders of Twitter, I decided to give it a try.  The reason I did this is self-serving, of course:  I am hoping that lots of people discover and buy my ebook, Recovering Life, and given how nothing is on paper anymore, I figured that I should at least try Twitter to see what it was other than annoying.  The only instruction I could find on the Twitter site was to follow other tweeters.  Great suggestion, except that I know exactly zero people who tweet.  I uploaded my profile picture and blogger address and then tried to think about whom to follow.  The only one I could think of off the bat was Jack Dorsey, himself: @jack.  And then I decided to try various health-related tweeters like NIMH and NPR Health.  Suddenly my Twitter home page was a dump for everyone at those two organizations who spends too much time at their computers or on their iPhones.  I no longer follow those organizations -- #toomuchinformation.  And then, to my surprise and delight, a total stranger became my follower.  So I decided to take the plunge and become his follower.  We exchanged cordial greetings and now whenever I sign into Twitter, there is at least one tweeter who knows I exist.

If anyone out there reads this blog, send me at tweet @serenaenglander. 

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